Fotos da Irlanda que comprovam que esse país saiu de um conto de fadas

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Fotos da Irlanda que comprovam que esse país saiu de um conto de fadas

A Irlanda não é apenas um país com lindas ilhas, praias e fiordes. A história e a cultura também impressionam e se veem refletidas em outras lindas paisagens. Lá, tudo respira liberdade: cada castelo, cada muro, cada moinho e até mesmo cada caminho rural têm alguma lenda que acaba sendo transmitida de geração em geração.

Aparentemente, a natureza desta ’ilha esmeralda’ foi criada para os amantes da solidão. O tempo cinza, com ventos frios até mesmo no verão, e a paisagem solitária e a natureza selvagem abraçados pelo Oceano Atlântico impedem que a ilha fique cheia de turistas.

Não obstante, os que se atrevem a conhecer este lindo lugar, não se arrependem. Se você não é um amante da natureza, poderá encontrar muitas outras atividades interessantes, por exemplo tomar uma boa cerveja nos infinitos pubs espalhados pelas cidades.

Chegamos à conclusão de que a Irlanda saiu de alguma lenda. Veja algumas fotos que comprovam esta teoria.

Sunset at Fanad Head Lighthouse on the Wild Atlantic Way

Sunset at Fanad Head Lighthouse on the Wild Atlantic Way


The famous Ha'Penny Bridge in Dublin, Ireland

The famous Ha’Penny Bridge in Dublin, Ireland

Reflections of the Twelve Bens in Connemara, Ireland

Reflections of the Twelve Bens in Connemara, Ireland

Sunset at Horn Head in the north of Donegal, Ireland

Sunset at Horn Head in the north of Donegal, Ireland


The Famous Bee Hive huts of Skellig Michael on the Wild Atlantic Way

The Famous Bee Hive huts of Skellig Michael on the Wild Atlantic Way


Sunset at Lough Eske Castle in Ireland

Sunset at Lough Eske Castle in Ireland


The ruins of Dun Aengus on the Aran Islands in Ireland

The ruins of Dun Aengus on the Aran Islands in Ireland


Looking out over Little Skellig on the Wild Atlantic Way

Looking out over Little Skellig on the Wild Atlantic Way


Sunset over the Cliffs of Moher

Sunset over the Cliffs of Moher


Taking in the view from horseback over the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland

Taking in the view from horseback over the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland


A Fisherman repairs his boat along the Wild Atlantic Way

A Fisherman repairs his boat along the Wild Atlantic Way


The village of Port Magee in Ireland

The village of Port Magee in Ireland


The Slea Head Drive is not to be missed along the Wild Atlantic Way

The Slea Head Drive is not to be missed along the Wild Atlantic Way


Looking back over Killary Fjord in Glennagevlaugh, Ireland

Looking back over Killary Fjord in Glennagevlaugh, Ireland


Morning arrives on the Wild Atlantic Way.

Morning arrives on the Wild Atlantic Way.


Yes there are beaches along the wild Atlantic way. Like this one at Rossbleigh Beach

Yes, there are beaches along the wild Atlantic way. Like this one at Rossbleigh Beach


Street Performers abound in Temple Bar in Dublin.

Street Performers abound in Temple Bar in Dublin.


The mighty Mizen Head in County Cork.

The mighty Mizen Head in County Cork.


You cannot miss the Kylemore Abbey.

You cannot miss the Kylemore Abbey.


The rugged coastline is never ending on the Wild Atlantic Way.

The rugged coastline is never ending on the Wild Atlantic Way.


The Burren and the Hole of Sorrows is just another place you have to visit in Ireland

The Burren and the Hole of Sorrows is just another place you have to visit in Ireland


The landscape is always changing on the Wild Atlantic Way

The landscape is always changing on the Wild Atlantic Way


Malin Head is the Northern most point in Ireland.

Malin Head is the Northern most point in Ireland.


The beauty of Slieve League in Donegal on the Wild Atlantic Way

The beauty of Slieve League in Donegal on the Wild Atlantic Way


Golden hour on the Dingle Peninsula

Golden hour on the Dingle Peninsula

The Road to Killary Harbour in Ireland

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